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Application Fee

No application fee for grades 2-12. Assessment fees apply for determining grade placement.

New Student Enrollment Fee

  • $500 one time per student (excluded if enrolled at Junior K level)
  • $100 re-enrollment fee annually thereafter


# of Students
1/2 Day Jr K
Full Day Jr K
First Student
Second Student

# of Students
Grades K-6
First Student
Second Student

# of Students
Grades 7-12
First Student
Second Student

Payment Schedule*

Tuition is payable in eleven (11) monthly payments beginning in April with the final payment due in February. Tuition management and payments will be processed through the Blackbaud Tuition Management Program.

Please note:
  • oldest child is considered the first student in determining tuition charges
  • 3% discount offered for payment in full by April 1 (for re-enrolling) each year. New families may pay in full at time of enrollment. 

Financial Aid

BCS offers financial aid for students each year. Please see our Financial Aid Page for more information.

Is BCS Right for Your Family?


3570 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302
